Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the aftermath

i feel as though i've been hit by a train over and over again. i think this may be the worst hangover - hung from too many late nights and early mornings and sick kids. not that other kind of hangover - who has time for such things?!
i can feel the winds about to change and i'm going to get my groove back. i finally put everything away in my studio - what a mess. like a hurricane of paper and nails and adhesive experiments.
i know i'll find my way again soon.....

ahhhh, open studios

it's been a long while since i've posted but life's been absurdly crazy. however, getting to the topic at hand, OS was awesome. we had a gazillion more people come through our space than if we would have done it alone and hallelujah for that. oh, the "our" is the 4x4 collective - a drawing group that has inspired me and gotten me working like mad to make new work, only 4" square work, so not too much pressure. we rented a nice big room at fort mason and spent 3 months figuring out how to install our work, as we weren't able to hang on the walls. we had a brilliant solution and damn! if it didn't look cool too! (clockwise from top left: me and me, ellen burgin, kathryn clark, jennifer kelley, victoria veedell and neile royston).


woo hoo!