Sunday, July 6, 2008

food chain

so it's time to start posting art stuff...images of my current projects. i've got one that's been in the works for about 6 or years - seriously. of course i forgot all about them for about 4 of those years - but no matter. after grad school i moved to dc for about a year and then cj and i moved to denver for year following that. we were exploring new territory to settle down. neither of those places were quite right for us, however during that time i was more prolific than any other time in my life. for the first time i really started to focus on drawing and encaustic work. i drew on every scrap of decent paper i could scrounge up and filled sketchbooks that had lived contented half full lives. i have bins of drawings and the walls in house are covered with some of the finished remnants.
anyway, a few months ago i came some of those sketchbooks and rediscovered a serious of about 10 drawings that to me, with fresh eyes, seemed to connect despite their separation by pages. i removed the pages from their bound home and laid them out on the floor and connected them together creating a creature made of beaks and claws, nibbling on web and sticks. here are a couple of glimpses of what's been started. i want to re-work parts of the drawing and really connect it and finish the lines that need it. eventually i'll colorize, print and laminate it. so far, i've just been looking at it from afar while it rests on the dining room table. soon....

and for the least the first version: