Monday, March 16, 2009


i guess it was last fall or maybe a wee bit earlier, i joined a drawing group of mom's.  there's were only 4 of us at the beginning and now we've grown to 6 (woo hoo) and plan to create a flickr page showing what we've been up to.  
anyway, each month we get together and review our drawings - which we create based on theme chose in the previous month.  the only real stipulation is that we need to try and keep our drawings within a 4x4" format - otherwise any materials, surfaces, etc are open.  i will post pieces from the previous months soon, but for now these were the results for the month of february. the theme was to work around something that meant a lot to you.  i chose inkjet transfers, as cj made me aware of the fact that i have been obsessed with the process for years.  it's true, i cannot deny it. so of course i had to incorporate my latest discoveries into these pieces.  
you can see the actual 4x4" transfer on each (there are 2 per panel).  the panels themselves are 6x8" canvas covered.  of course i had to turn them all into little mini series, but they are definitely fun to make....the one that are 2 by 2 are detail of the series of 4 shown below it (i hope that makes sense). 

titles are stil to come....